restaurant furniture


Branding Your Bar and Restaurant is Important

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard about the importance of branding. However, you might not know how important it can be when you have a single restaurant or bar. You might not realize the branding is still vital if you want to project a coherent image through all of your promotion efforts and beyond. How can you go about branding? That’s not an easy question to answer because there are so many variables. However, the following tips should help you to get on the right track. If you are still having trouble identifying, solidifying, and promoting your brand, you can always hire a specialist to help.

The first step in branding is identifying how you want your customers to see you and your establishment. Are you running a fun family friendly restaurant that caters to the kids and makes everyone feel at home? Do you have an upscale sushi restaurant? Are you running a family-owned Korean barbeque shop? Every restaurant or bar is going to fit into certain niches better than others. Find what you want to promote as a part of your restaurant and make that a part of your brand.

Of course, there is also the very literal aspect of branding. You need to have a logo, even if you are a small bar or restaurant. A logo, which you use for all of your communications and advertisements, is very important. Do you disbelieve the importance of logos? I bet if you close your eyes, you can picture the Apple logo, the McDonald’s logo, the Chili’s logo, and thousands of others. Those logos are very important, and they establish the brand. When people see those logos, they know what to expect.

In addition to putting your logo on all of your coupons, flyers, menus, and everything else, you need to make sure that the interior of your restaurant meets the expectations of your customers. You need to have good quality restaurant seating that matches with your restaurant’s theme and the brand that you are trying so hard to promote. Your décor is equally important.

Consider all of the above when you start trying to brand your bar or restaurant. If you do, and if you keep studying branding and how effective it can be, you will find that people will know your logo, your establishment’s name, and what to expect, even if they haven’t yet visited.

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Restaurant Furniture Video

This time I decided to stop giving advice and to have a lighter post, while keeping to the main theme of this blog. So here is a short before and after video taken in Affordable Seating‘s factory.

Before = raw wood and materials; After = restaurant furniture. And the song is nice too.

So, no tips, no advice just a nice video.


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Changing Up the Menu and the Seating for Restaurant Success

If your restaurant is having trouble getting business, it isn’t the end of the world, and it certainly isn’t the end of your business. You have to take a look at how you are doing things and see if there might be something that you can change. Even some small changes can get the excitement building about your restaurant and bring more people into it. Let’s look at a couple of things that you can do that might be able to breathe more life into your restaurant.

The Seating

You might not even realize that there is something amiss in your restaurant until you look at it from the perspective of a customer. You are concerned with the day to day operations, and you never see that perhaps the seating and tables aren’t up to par. If you have tables with uneven legs, or that are too small (or even too large), or if your chairs aren’t comfortable, it can cause problems. No one wants to be cramped or uncomfortable when they are trying to enjoy a meal. Rearrange the tables if you have to. Also, investing in some high quality restaurant chairs and tables can be a great idea if you can find it in the budget.

The Menu


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Singles Nights Bring More Customers to Your Bar

Finding someone special today is more difficult than it has ever been. Even if you are happily married, you can probably sympathize with the plight of all of those singles out there. Meeting people is tough, and you never know what you can expect. Online dating might have some benefits, but you don’t get to meet the person face to face for a while, and most people crave human contact when they are looking for a potential soul mate. Since you are a bar owner or manager, you are in a perfect position to help these people. Best of all, you will be able to drum up more business for your bar. More business is always good!

How can you do this? Set aside one day a week / month at the bar to be singles night. On this night, only single people who are looking to connect with others will be in the bar. Since everyone knows that its singles night, no one will have to worry about approaching someone only to have to slink away later, once realizing that they are already with someone. Make it a comfortable and friendly atmosphere where people can get to know one another. To draw in more people, you might want to offer discounted drinks for the first couple hours of the night.

If you want to make your singles night really effective, you are going to have to do some advertising. It isn’t too difficult, but you are going to need to start your advertising at least a month before you have your first singles night. The following are some great ways to start getting the word out.

First, make sure that you put an announcement on your website. If you don’t already have a website or blog where you talk about your bar and the events and specials you offer, then you are behind the times and you really need to set one up. In addition to advertising on your own site, look for websites and even blogs that talk about events in your location. Advertise in these places as well to spread the word further. Also, make sure that all of your employees know about the singles night and let them mention it to some of the regular customers. Word of mouth is a low tech and effective way of getting the word out.

Once the word is out there you will also need to prepare relevant music for the singles night and re-arrange your bar chairs and tables to make room to getting around easier and to make sure most of the areas in the bar are visible.

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Add Healthy Options to Your Restaurant Menu

More and more people are choosing to go the healthy route, and that means that they might not be eating out as much as they once did. Does this sound like a frightening prospect for you and your restaurant?

It shouldn’t.

You can take advantage of this new trend and start adding healthier menu options to drive your business back up.

When you are making these changes to your menu, consider just how much you want to change. Are you going to make sweeping changes to your menu, or are you only going to add a few healthier choices?

You may only want to add a few different options here and there and slowly overtake your menu with healthier choices. The way you do it is up to you. You might want to have a separate menu so that you don’t have to change the layout of your old one that your customers are familiar with. The cost to print these additional menus shouldn’t be too high.

As you make the change and start adding these healthier choices to the menu, you need to make sure that you advertise the changes that you are making. Send out a press release to the papers as well as online. Tie it in with the rising trend of health problems and obesity and tell everyone what you are doing to help combat that. Promote these healthier changes on your blog and anywhere else that you do your advertising so you can be sure that everyone is going to see them.

Changing just the menu might not be enough to start enticing new customers to your establishment. You might also want to make some cosmetic changes to your restaurant. They don’t have to be drastic, but a few décor changes and even buying new restaurant booths, chairs and tables can give your place a new look that matches in with the new theme of your menu. As always, you want to make sure that the restaurant furniture is comfortable and that the seating arrangements work.

How long will this healthy trend last? No one can tell for sure, but it certainly looks as though it is here to stay. With so many people wanting to get into shape and live a better, health conscious lifestyle, there will always be a large segment of the population that wants to have healthy options at their local eatery. Remember, even if your menu isn’t the healthiest around, adding an option for the health enthusiasts can only increase your clientele base. So don’t leave them out.

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Affordable Seating – New and improved

I am happy to reveal that after a lot of hard work one of our partner sites, Affordable Seating, has a new look. This modern look is not only for aesthetics purposes, it’s also designed to make your shopping experience easier and more pleasant.

Now you can not only browse all the great restaurant furniture Affordable Seating has to offer, you can also see related items as well. The shopping cart has been greatly improved too, and instead of a 3 pages long process you can now order your restaurant furniture in one quick and simple check out.

One thing that hasn’t changes is the price. You can still get the high quality low priced commercial furniture just as before only faster. I almost forgot, the new check out page also has a new a coupon system added that makes it easier to include any discount you have into the final price without having to call for the discount to be manually applied by the support team.

Enjoy your upgraded shopping experience!

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