bar tips and advice


Start a Birthday or Anniversary Club at Your Restaurant

Showing appreciation for your customers is a great way to create loyal customers. Those loyal customers, as you probably already know, are going to keep coming back to your eatery and they will spread the word about how well you take care of them. How can you foster this loyalty? If you have been wracking your brain trying to come up with ways to let your customers know how much you appreciate them, consider starting a birthday or anniversary club. It’s easy to do, and it is a cost effective way of getting people to come back to your restaurant.

You can choose to have a birthday club or an anniversary club. You might even want to have both. Offer a signup sheet for people where they can add their birthday or their anniversary (or both if you chose that route). They will also need to provide their email address. Make sure that you let them know that you aren’t going to do anything with their email other than put it in your own database to send them specials. A week or two before the event, send them coupons. Make sure that the coupons are good enough to entice them to come into the restaurant and redeem them.

Some good ideas include a free meal when buying one of the same price or greater. Free dessert or free drink coupons are also nice. Let them know in the email that they don’t have to redeem the coupon on their actual birthday or anniversary. Give them up to a week or two to redeem the coupons.


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Have a Fundraiser Night at Your Restaurant

Most people like the thought of giving to a worthy charity, but they don’t always have the extra money to donate. As a restaurant owner, you can appeal to this desire in people to do good things and promote your restaurant at the same time. Consider holding a fundraiser night at your eatery. Donate a portion of your proceeds for the evening to a charity.

Choose Your Charity Wisely

There are a number of great charities out there, and many of them are very worthy of your donations. However, each person has their own idea of which charity is the most worthy, and if you talk with your employees about which charity you should choose, you will find that you are going to get quite a few different answers. Some will want you to donate to the Red Cross, while others might want to you donate to a local school.

When you are choosing your charity, you should be the one that makes the final decision, but that doesn’t mean that you should just choose the first charity that you find. Consider donating to a local charity. That way, people will feel as though they are doing something good for their community just by going out to dinner. You don’t have to choose a local charity though. Choose the one that your head and heart tells you is right.

Advertise Your Intentions (more…)

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Host a Singles Event at Your Restaurant

I already discussed the topic of bringing in more customers by hosting a singles night. This post is adding a few tips and insights into what has already been mentioned before to create a better review of the concept and to help you make the most of the idea.

The logistics of hosting a singles event might be tricky at first, but it is possible to do. Here are some tips that you can use to figure out how to start your own restaurant-styled singles night.

First, what is your slowest day of the week? You are going to want to choose that as the night that you hold your event since you have the potential to earn equal to or more money during this night than you regularly would. Once you know the day that you are going to hold your event, you will be able to continue with the rest of the preparations. (more…)

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Frequent Loyal Diners Deserve Rewards

If you have been in business for a while, you have probably started to see some familiar faces around your restaurant. Those customers that come in a few times a month, once a week, or even a few times a week are your best and most loyal customers. They probably even sit in the same area each time that they come into your place. You and the rest of the staff may even know them by name.

You want to treat them well, and you want other customers to follow their lead. It would be a wonderful world if you could count on all of your customers to come back day after day, wouldn’t it! A great way to repay those loyal customers is by offering a stamp card so that they will be able to save a little bit of money and feel welcomed and appreciated.

The card can have several spots on the back – generally around 12. Each time the customer comes in and orders an entrée, a buffet meal or the like, your employees can stamp their card. After the customer reaches those 12 stamps, they are entitled to a free meal and you replace their card with a brand new one. They will keep coming back, and you can be sure that they are going to tell their friends about it. When they bring others to your restaurant, you are the winner because you are able to meet and greet some new blood. (more…)

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Changing Up the Menu and the Seating for Restaurant Success

If your restaurant is having trouble getting business, it isn’t the end of the world, and it certainly isn’t the end of your business. You have to take a look at how you are doing things and see if there might be something that you can change. Even some small changes can get the excitement building about your restaurant and bring more people into it. Let’s look at a couple of things that you can do that might be able to breathe more life into your restaurant.

The Seating

You might not even realize that there is something amiss in your restaurant until you look at it from the perspective of a customer. You are concerned with the day to day operations, and you never see that perhaps the seating and tables aren’t up to par. If you have tables with uneven legs, or that are too small (or even too large), or if your chairs aren’t comfortable, it can cause problems. No one wants to be cramped or uncomfortable when they are trying to enjoy a meal. Rearrange the tables if you have to. Also, investing in some high quality restaurant chairs and tables can be a great idea if you can find it in the budget.

The Menu


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Social Networking and Your Restaurant

You probably use social networking in your personal life. Most people today do. Perhaps you Tweet about the things that you are doing with your friends or family or about the latest movie you saw or book you read. People love Facebook too, and it can be a great way to keep in touch with people you know and even to meet new people. Of course, social networks are also a great way to promote your business. If you want to get more people into your restaurant, get onto all of the social networks that you can.

Set up special pages on Twitter and Facebook specifically for your restaurant. While you want to let people know about all of the great things that your restaurant serves, you don’t want to inundate them only with promotional posts. Make your restaurant’s social network a fun place. Give people some insight into the neighborhood where your restaurant is located. Maybe post some information or links about things people can do in the area after they’ve dined at your place. Of course, you will also want to make sure that you add information for any discounts or specials that you are currently offering – just don’t overwhelm people. (more…)

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